Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina the following currency is used:

  • The Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (BAM): this currency is devided in 100 Fening. You can recognise the currency by the symbol KM / КМ.

You probably need to change money when traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

Exchange rates Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark

According to our most recent information (01 January 1970, 00:00) the Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark has the following exchange rates.

The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.