
In Pitcairn the following currency is used:

  • The New Zealand dollar (NZD): this currency is devided in 100 Cent. You can recognise the currency by the symbol $.

You probably need to change money when traveling to Pitcairn. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

Exchange rates New Zealand dollar

According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the New Zealand dollar has the following exchange rates.

The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.

AUD = 1.08202 NZDNZD= 0.9242 AUD
CAD = 1.19238 NZDNZD= 0.83866 CAD
CNY = 0.22742 NZDNZD= 4.39724 CNY
EUR = 1.7896 NZDNZD= 0.55878 EUR
GBP = 2.12149 NZDNZD= 0.47137 GBP
HKD = 0.20674 NZDNZD= 4.83696 HKD
IDR = 0.0001 NZDNZD= 9552.1103 IDR
INR = 0.0192 NZDNZD= 52.09235 INR
JPY = 0.01129 NZDNZD= 88.58954 JPY
KRW = 0.00121 NZDNZD= 826.49267 KRW
MYR = 0.37211 NZDNZD= 2.68735 MYR
PHP = 0.02881 NZDNZD= 34.71184 PHP
SGD = 1.23964 NZDNZD= 0.80668 SGD
THB = 0.04805 NZDNZD= 20.81327 THB
TWD = 0.05045 NZDNZD= 19.82287 TWD
USD = 1.61119 NZDNZD= 0.62066 USD
VND = 7.0E-5 NZDNZD= 15285.54624 VND
BGN = 0.91472 NZDNZD= 1.09324 BGN
BRL = 0.28902 NZDNZD= 3.45997 BRL
CHF = 1.91216 NZDNZD= 0.52297 CHF
CLP = 0.00171 NZDNZD= 585.0708 CLP
CZK = 0.07146 NZDNZD= 13.99343 CZK
DKK = 0.23976 NZDNZD= 4.17088 DKK
HUF = 0.00453 NZDNZD= 220.63751 HUF
ILS = 0.43463 NZDNZD= 2.30079 ILS
ISK = 0.01167 NZDNZD= 85.68903 ISK
MXN = 0.08073 NZDNZD= 12.3872 MXN
NOK = 0.1512 NZDNZD= 6.61397 NOK
PLN = 0.418 NZDNZD= 2.39237 PLN
RON = 0.35971 NZDNZD= 2.78002 RON
SEK = 0.15709 NZDNZD= 6.36568 SEK
TRY = 0.04743 NZDNZD= 21.08498 TRY
UAH = 0.03922 NZDNZD= 25.49477 UAH
ZAR = 0.09067 NZDNZD= 11.02933 ZAR
EGP = 0.03328 NZDNZD= 30.05132 EGP
JOD = 2.27432 NZDNZD= 0.43969 JOD
LBP = 2.0E-5 NZDNZD= 57473.15888 LBP
BDT = 0.01348 NZDNZD= 74.20767 BDT
BYN = 0.49233 NZDNZD= 2.03118 BYN
PKR = 0.00578 NZDNZD= 172.87899 PKR
XAF = 0.00273 NZDNZD= 366.699 XAF
XOF = 0.00273 NZDNZD= 366.699 XOF
NGN = 0.00099 NZDNZD= 1011.14589 NGN
SAR = 0.42917 NZDNZD= 2.33006 SAR
PEN = 0.42441 NZDNZD= 2.35619 PEN
RUB = 0.01784 NZDNZD= 56.04611 RUB
DOP = 0.02694 NZDNZD= 37.11433 DOP
VES = 0.044 NZDNZD= 22.72751 VES
AED = 0.43869 NZDNZD= 2.27949 AED
ARS = 0.00168 NZDNZD= 593.82577 ARS
BOB = 0.23487 NZDNZD= 4.25773 BOB
COP = 0.00039 NZDNZD= 2596.1773 COP
CRC = 0.00308 NZDNZD= 324.25931 CRC
DZD = 0.01218 NZDNZD= 82.08465 DZD
HTG = 0.01226 NZDNZD= 81.5501 HTG
PAB = 1.61119 NZDNZD= 0.62066 PAB
PYG = 0.00021 NZDNZD= 4783.96716 PYG
TND = 0.52939 NZDNZD= 1.88898 TND
UYU = 0.03993 NZDNZD= 25.04695 UYU