In Japan the following currency is used:
- The Japanese yen (JPY): this currency is devided in 100 Sen. You can recognise the currency by the symbol ¥.
You probably need to change money when traveling to Japan. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.
Exchange rates Japanese yen
According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the Japanese yen has the following exchange rates.
The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.
AUD = 95.85583 JPY | JPY= 0.01043 AUD |
CAD = 105.63226 JPY | JPY= 0.00947 CAD |
CNY = 20.14664 JPY | JPY= 0.04964 CNY |
EUR = 158.53982 JPY | JPY= 0.00631 EUR |
GBP = 187.94195 JPY | JPY= 0.00532 GBP |
HKD = 18.31514 JPY | JPY= 0.0546 HKD |
IDR = 0.00927 JPY | JPY= 107.82436 IDR |
INR = 1.70062 JPY | JPY= 0.58802 INR |
KRW = 0.10719 JPY | JPY= 9.32946 KRW |
MYR = 32.96541 JPY | JPY= 0.03033 MYR |
NZD = 88.58954 JPY | JPY= 0.01129 NZD |
PHP = 2.55214 JPY | JPY= 0.39183 PHP |
SGD = 109.81947 JPY | JPY= 0.00911 SGD |
THB = 4.2564 JPY | JPY= 0.23494 THB |
TWD = 4.46906 JPY | JPY= 0.22376 TWD |
USD = 142.7343 JPY | JPY= 0.00701 USD |
VND = 0.0058 JPY | JPY= 172.54347 VND |
BGN = 81.03419 JPY | JPY= 0.01234 BGN |
BRL = 25.60415 JPY | JPY= 0.03906 BRL |
CHF = 169.39733 JPY | JPY= 0.0059 CHF |
CLP = 0.15142 JPY | JPY= 6.60429 CLP |
CZK = 6.3308 JPY | JPY= 0.15796 CZK |
DKK = 21.24003 JPY | JPY= 0.04708 DKK |
HUF = 0.40152 JPY | JPY= 2.49056 HUF |
ILS = 38.5039 JPY | JPY= 0.02597 ILS |
ISK = 1.03385 JPY | JPY= 0.96726 ISK |
MXN = 7.1517 JPY | JPY= 0.13983 MXN |
NOK = 13.39431 JPY | JPY= 0.07466 NOK |
PLN = 37.03008 JPY | JPY= 0.02701 PLN |
RON = 31.86655 JPY | JPY= 0.03138 RON |
SEK = 13.91674 JPY | JPY= 0.07186 SEK |
TRY = 4.20155 JPY | JPY= 0.23801 TRY |
UAH = 3.47481 JPY | JPY= 0.28779 UAH |
ZAR = 8.03217 JPY | JPY= 0.1245 ZAR |
EGP = 2.94794 JPY | JPY= 0.33922 EGP |
JOD = 201.48119 JPY | JPY= 0.00496 JOD |
LBP = 0.00154 JPY | JPY= 648.75785 LBP |
BDT = 1.19381 JPY | JPY= 0.83766 BDT |
BYN = 43.61486 JPY | JPY= 0.02293 BYN |
PKR = 0.51244 JPY | JPY= 1.95146 PKR |
XAF = 0.24159 JPY | JPY= 4.1393 XAF |
XOF = 0.24159 JPY | JPY= 4.1393 XOF |
NGN = 0.08761 JPY | JPY= 11.41383 NGN |
SAR = 38.02036 JPY | JPY= 0.0263 SAR |
PEN = 37.5987 JPY | JPY= 0.0266 PEN |
RUB = 1.58065 JPY | JPY= 0.63265 RUB |
DOP = 2.38694 JPY | JPY= 0.41895 DOP |
VES = 3.8979 JPY | JPY= 0.25655 VES |
AED = 38.86368 JPY | JPY= 0.02573 AED |
ARS = 0.14918 JPY | JPY= 6.70311 ARS |
BOB = 20.80675 JPY | JPY= 0.04806 BOB |
COP = 0.03412 JPY | JPY= 29.30569 COP |
CRC = 0.27321 JPY | JPY= 3.66024 CRC |
DZD = 1.07925 JPY | JPY= 0.92657 DZD |
HTG = 1.08632 JPY | JPY= 0.92054 HTG |
PAB = 142.7343 JPY | JPY= 0.00701 PAB |
PYG = 0.01852 JPY | JPY= 54.00149 PYG |
TND = 46.898 JPY | JPY= 0.02132 TND |
UYU = 3.53694 JPY | JPY= 0.28273 UYU |