
In Tibet the following currency is used:

  • The Chinese yuan (CNY): this currency is devided in 100 Fen. You can recognise the currency by the symbol ¥ / 元.

You probably need to change money when traveling to Tibet. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

Exchange rates Chinese yuan

According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the Chinese yuan has the following exchange rates.

The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.

AUD = 4.75791 CNYCNY= 0.21018 AUD
CAD = 5.24317 CNYCNY= 0.19072 CAD
EUR = 7.86929 CNYCNY= 0.12708 EUR
GBP = 9.3287 CNYCNY= 0.1072 GBP
HKD = 0.90909 CNYCNY= 1.1 HKD
IDR = 0.00046 CNYCNY= 2172.2981 IDR
INR = 0.08441 CNYCNY= 11.84661 INR
JPY = 0.04964 CNYCNY= 20.14664 JPY
KRW = 0.00532 CNYCNY= 187.95726 KRW
MYR = 1.63627 CNYCNY= 0.61114 MYR
NZD = 4.39724 CNYCNY= 0.22742 NZD
PHP = 0.12668 CNYCNY= 7.89401 PHP
SGD = 5.45101 CNYCNY= 0.18345 SGD
THB = 0.21127 CNYCNY= 4.73326 THB
TWD = 0.22183 CNYCNY= 4.50803 TWD
USD = 7.08477 CNYCNY= 0.14115 USD
VND = 0.00029 CNYCNY= 3476.17039 VND
BGN = 4.02222 CNYCNY= 0.24862 BGN
BRL = 1.27089 CNYCNY= 0.78685 BRL
CHF = 8.40822 CNYCNY= 0.11893 CHF
CLP = 0.00752 CNYCNY= 133.05418 CLP
CZK = 0.31424 CNYCNY= 3.18232 CZK
DKK = 1.05427 CNYCNY= 0.94852 DKK
HUF = 0.01993 CNYCNY= 50.17639 HUF
ILS = 1.91118 CNYCNY= 0.52324 ILS
ISK = 0.05132 CNYCNY= 19.48702 ISK
MXN = 0.35498 CNYCNY= 2.81704 MXN
NOK = 0.66484 CNYCNY= 1.50412 NOK
PLN = 1.83803 CNYCNY= 0.54406 PLN
RON = 1.58173 CNYCNY= 0.63222 RON
SEK = 0.69077 CNYCNY= 1.44766 SEK
TRY = 0.20855 CNYCNY= 4.79505 TRY
UAH = 0.17248 CNYCNY= 5.79791 UAH
ZAR = 0.39869 CNYCNY= 2.50824 ZAR
EGP = 0.14632 CNYCNY= 6.83414 EGP
JOD = 10.00074 CNYCNY= 0.09999 JOD
LBP = 8.0E-5 CNYCNY= 13070.28811 LBP
BDT = 0.05926 CNYCNY= 16.87598 BDT
BYN = 2.16487 CNYCNY= 0.46192 BYN
PKR = 0.02544 CNYCNY= 39.31536 PKR
XAF = 0.01199 CNYCNY= 83.39304 XAF
XOF = 0.01199 CNYCNY= 83.39304 XOF
NGN = 0.00435 CNYCNY= 229.95026 NGN
SAR = 1.88718 CNYCNY= 0.52989 SAR
PEN = 1.86625 CNYCNY= 0.53583 PEN
RUB = 0.07846 CNYCNY= 12.74576 RUB
DOP = 0.11848 CNYCNY= 8.44037 DOP
VES = 0.19348 CNYCNY= 5.16859 VES
AED = 1.92904 CNYCNY= 0.51839 AED
ARS = 0.0074 CNYCNY= 135.04519 ARS
BOB = 1.03277 CNYCNY= 0.96827 BOB
COP = 0.00169 CNYCNY= 590.411 COP
CRC = 0.01356 CNYCNY= 73.7416 CRC
DZD = 0.05357 CNYCNY= 18.66732 DZD
HTG = 0.05392 CNYCNY= 18.54576 HTG
PAB = 7.08477 CNYCNY= 0.14115 PAB
PYG = 0.00092 CNYCNY= 1087.94836 PYG
TND = 2.32783 CNYCNY= 0.42958 TND
UYU = 0.17556 CNYCNY= 5.69606 UYU