South Korea
In South Korea the following currency is used:
- The South Korean won (KRW): this currency is devided in 100 Jeon. You can recognise the currency by the symbol ₩.
You probably need to change money when traveling to South Korea. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.
Exchange rates South Korean won
According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the South Korean won has the following exchange rates.
The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.
AUD = 894.28325 KRW | KRW= 0.00112 AUD |
CAD = 985.49209 KRW | KRW= 0.00101 CAD |
CNY = 187.95726 KRW | KRW= 0.00532 CNY |
EUR = 1479.09108 KRW | KRW= 0.00068 EUR |
GBP = 1753.39716 KRW | KRW= 0.00057 GBP |
HKD = 170.87038 KRW | KRW= 0.00585 HKD |
IDR = 0.08652 KRW | KRW= 11.5574 IDR |
INR = 15.86591 KRW | KRW= 0.06303 INR |
JPY = 9.32946 KRW | KRW= 0.10719 JPY |
MYR = 307.54948 KRW | KRW= 0.00325 MYR |
NZD = 826.49267 KRW | KRW= 0.00121 NZD |
PHP = 23.81011 KRW | KRW= 0.042 PHP |
SGD = 1024.55647 KRW | KRW= 0.00098 SGD |
THB = 39.70989 KRW | KRW= 0.02518 THB |
TWD = 41.6939 KRW | KRW= 0.02398 TWD |
USD = 1331.63415 KRW | KRW= 0.00075 USD |
VND = 0.05407 KRW | KRW= 18.49447 VND |
BGN = 756.00535 KRW | KRW= 0.00132 BGN |
BRL = 238.8729 KRW | KRW= 0.00419 BRL |
CHF = 1580.38578 KRW | KRW= 0.00063 CHF |
CLP = 1.41264 KRW | KRW= 0.7079 CLP |
CZK = 59.06291 KRW | KRW= 0.01693 CZK |
DKK = 198.15803 KRW | KRW= 0.00505 DKK |
HUF = 3.74593 KRW | KRW= 0.26696 HUF |
ILS = 359.2206 KRW | KRW= 0.00278 ILS |
ISK = 9.64526 KRW | KRW= 0.10368 ISK |
MXN = 66.72153 KRW | KRW= 0.01499 MXN |
NOK = 124.96171 KRW | KRW= 0.008 NOK |
PLN = 345.47071 KRW | KRW= 0.00289 PLN |
RON = 297.29774 KRW | KRW= 0.00336 RON |
SEK = 129.83565 KRW | KRW= 0.0077 SEK |
TRY = 39.19816 KRW | KRW= 0.02551 TRY |
UAH = 32.41812 KRW | KRW= 0.03085 UAH |
ZAR = 74.93586 KRW | KRW= 0.01334 ZAR |
EGP = 27.5027 KRW | KRW= 0.03636 EGP |
JOD = 1879.71089 KRW | KRW= 0.00053 JOD |
LBP = 0.01438 KRW | KRW= 69.53862 LBP |
BDT = 11.13756 KRW | KRW= 0.08979 BDT |
BYN = 406.90318 KRW | KRW= 0.00246 BYN |
PKR = 4.78076 KRW | KRW= 0.20917 PKR |
XAF = 2.25387 KRW | KRW= 0.44368 XAF |
XOF = 2.25387 KRW | KRW= 0.44368 XOF |
NGN = 0.81738 KRW | KRW= 1.22342 NGN |
SAR = 354.70948 KRW | KRW= 0.00282 SAR |
PEN = 350.77564 KRW | KRW= 0.00285 PEN |
RUB = 14.74665 KRW | KRW= 0.06781 RUB |
DOP = 22.26883 KRW | KRW= 0.04491 DOP |
VES = 36.3653 KRW | KRW= 0.0275 VES |
AED = 362.57719 KRW | KRW= 0.00276 AED |
ARS = 1.39181 KRW | KRW= 0.71849 ARS |
BOB = 194.11576 KRW | KRW= 0.00515 BOB |
COP = 0.31835 KRW | KRW= 3.1412 COP |
CRC = 2.54886 KRW | KRW= 0.39233 CRC |
DZD = 10.06878 KRW | KRW= 0.09932 DZD |
HTG = 10.13478 KRW | KRW= 0.09867 HTG |
PAB = 1331.63415 KRW | KRW= 0.00075 PAB |
PYG = 0.17276 KRW | KRW= 5.78828 PYG |
TND = 437.53305 KRW | KRW= 0.00229 TND |
UYU = 32.99774 KRW | KRW= 0.03031 UYU |