
In Peru the following currency is used:

  • The Peruvian nuevo sol (PEN): this currency is devided in 100 Céntimo. You can recognise the currency by the symbol S/..

You probably need to change money when traveling to Peru. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

Exchange rates Peruvian nuevo sol

According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the Peruvian nuevo sol has the following exchange rates.

The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.

AUD = 2.54945 PENPEN= 0.39224 AUD
CAD = 2.80947 PENPEN= 0.35594 CAD
CNY = 0.53583 PENPEN= 1.86625 CNY
EUR = 4.21663 PENPEN= 0.23716 EUR
GBP = 4.99863 PENPEN= 0.20005 GBP
HKD = 0.48712 PENPEN= 2.05288 HKD
IDR = 0.00025 PENPEN= 4054.05602 IDR
INR = 0.04523 PENPEN= 22.10876 INR
JPY = 0.0266 PENPEN= 37.5987 JPY
KRW = 0.00285 PENPEN= 350.77564 KRW
MYR = 0.87677 PENPEN= 1.14055 MYR
NZD = 2.35619 PENPEN= 0.42441 NZD
PHP = 0.06788 PENPEN= 14.73221 PHP
SGD = 2.92083 PENPEN= 0.34237 SGD
THB = 0.11321 PENPEN= 8.83346 THB
TWD = 0.11886 PENPEN= 8.41312 TWD
USD = 3.79626 PENPEN= 0.26342 USD
VND = 0.00015 PENPEN= 6487.4105 VND
BGN = 2.15524 PENPEN= 0.46399 BGN
BRL = 0.68098 PENPEN= 1.46846 BRL
CHF = 4.5054 PENPEN= 0.22196 CHF
CLP = 0.00403 PENPEN= 248.31265 CLP
CZK = 0.16838 PENPEN= 5.93902 CZK
DKK = 0.56491 PENPEN= 1.77018 DKK
HUF = 0.01068 PENPEN= 93.6418 HUF
ILS = 1.02408 PENPEN= 0.97649 ILS
ISK = 0.0275 PENPEN= 36.36768 ISK
MXN = 0.19021 PENPEN= 5.25731 MXN
NOK = 0.35624 PENPEN= 2.80706 NOK
PLN = 0.98488 PENPEN= 1.01536 PLN
RON = 0.84754 PENPEN= 1.17988 RON
SEK = 0.37014 PENPEN= 2.70169 SEK
TRY = 0.11175 PENPEN= 8.94878 TRY
UAH = 0.09242 PENPEN= 10.82036 UAH
ZAR = 0.21363 PENPEN= 4.68101 ZAR
EGP = 0.07841 PENPEN= 12.75422 EGP
JOD = 5.35873 PENPEN= 0.18661 JOD
LBP = 4.0E-5 PENPEN= 24392.45341 LBP
BDT = 0.03175 PENPEN= 31.49483 BDT
BYN = 1.16001 PENPEN= 0.86206 BYN
PKR = 0.01363 PENPEN= 73.37238 PKR
XAF = 0.00643 PENPEN= 155.63245 XAF
XOF = 0.00643 PENPEN= 155.63245 XOF
NGN = 0.00233 PENPEN= 429.14518 NGN
SAR = 1.01121 PENPEN= 0.98891 SAR
RUB = 0.04204 PENPEN= 23.78679 RUB
DOP = 0.06348 PENPEN= 15.75187 DOP
VES = 0.10367 PENPEN= 9.64589 VES
AED = 1.03364 PENPEN= 0.96745 AED
ARS = 0.00397 PENPEN= 252.02839 ARS
BOB = 0.55339 PENPEN= 1.80704 BOB
COP = 0.00091 PENPEN= 1101.85581 COP
CRC = 0.00727 PENPEN= 137.62042 CRC
DZD = 0.0287 PENPEN= 34.83793 DZD
HTG = 0.02889 PENPEN= 34.61106 HTG
PAB = 3.79626 PENPEN= 0.26342 PAB
PYG = 0.00049 PENPEN= 2030.38598 PYG
TND = 1.24733 PENPEN= 0.80171 TND
UYU = 0.09407 PENPEN= 10.63029 UYU