In Syria the following currency is used:
- The Syrian pound (SYP): this currency is devided in 100 Piastre. You can recognise the currency by the symbol £ / ل.س.
You probably need to change money when traveling to Syria. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.
Exchange rates Syrian pound
According to our most recent information (03 October 2024, 15:55) the Syrian pound has the following exchange rates.
The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.
AUD = 8893.45697 SYP | SYP= 0.00011 AUD |
CAD = 9588.32012 SYP | SYP= 0.0001 CAD |
CNY = 1848.09169 SYP | SYP= 0.00054 CNY |
EUR = 14317.78259 SYP | SYP= 7.0E-5 EUR |
GBP = 17037.49505 SYP | SYP= 6.0E-5 GBP |
HKD = 1670.52825 SYP | SYP= 0.0006 HKD |
IDR = 0.84045 SYP | SYP= 1.18985 IDR |
INR = 154.50033 SYP | SYP= 0.00647 INR |
JPY = 88.44585 SYP | SYP= 0.01131 JPY |
KRW = 9.76116 SYP | SYP= 0.10245 KRW |
MYR = 3076.56828 SYP | SYP= 0.00033 MYR |
NZD = 8077.83329 SYP | SYP= 0.00012 NZD |
PHP = 230.14468 SYP | SYP= 0.00435 PHP |
SGD = 10009.67412 SYP | SYP= 0.0001 SGD |
THB = 392.21727 SYP | SYP= 0.00255 THB |
TWD = 407.36907 SYP | SYP= 0.00245 TWD |
USD = 12973.91304 SYP | SYP= 8.0E-5 USD |
VND = 0.52449 SYP | SYP= 1.90663 VND |
AED = 3532.26698 SYP | SYP= 0.00028 AED |
BGN = 7322.77272 SYP | SYP= 0.00014 BGN |
BRL = 2376.29431 SYP | SYP= 0.00042 BRL |
CHF = 15252.28079 SYP | SYP= 7.0E-5 CHF |
CZK = 564.82661 SYP | SYP= 0.00177 CZK |
DKK = 1919.96372 SYP | SYP= 0.00052 DKK |
EGP = 268.27518 SYP | SYP= 0.00373 EGP |
HUF = 35.68385 SYP | SYP= 0.02802 HUF |
ILS = 3421.12113 SYP | SYP= 0.00029 ILS |
ISK = 95.91495 SYP | SYP= 0.01043 ISK |
MDL = 742.25184 SYP | SYP= 0.00135 MDL |
MXN = 665.14369 SYP | SYP= 0.0015 MXN |
NOK = 1222.15264 SYP | SYP= 0.00082 NOK |
PLN = 3326.62535 SYP | SYP= 0.0003 PLN |
RON = 2877.85434 SYP | SYP= 0.00035 RON |
RSD = 123.18345 SYP | SYP= 0.00812 RSD |
RUB = 136.31626 SYP | SYP= 0.00734 RUB |
SEK = 1260.57288 SYP | SYP= 0.00079 SEK |
TRY = 379.83913 SYP | SYP= 0.00263 TRY |
UAH = 314.67919 SYP | SYP= 0.00318 UAH |
ZAR = 742.35346 SYP | SYP= 0.00135 ZAR |
CLP = 14.22597 SYP | SYP= 0.07029 CLP |
AMD = 33.4991 SYP | SYP= 0.02985 AMD |
AZN = 7630.36755 SYP | SYP= 0.00013 AZN |
BDT = 108.31643 SYP | SYP= 0.00923 BDT |
DOP = 216.22454 SYP | SYP= 0.00462 DOP |
DZD = 98.23238 SYP | SYP= 0.01018 DZD |
GEL = 4756.6692 SYP | SYP= 0.00021 GEL |
IQD = 9.90381 SYP | SYP= 0.10097 IQD |
KGS = 154.07785 SYP | SYP= 0.00649 KGS |
KZT = 26.87935 SYP | SYP= 0.0372 KZT |
LYD = 2740.08847 SYP | SYP= 0.00036 LYD |
MAD = 1338.67975 SYP | SYP= 0.00075 MAD |
PKR = 46.71352 SYP | SYP= 0.02141 PKR |
SAR = 3458.30847 SYP | SYP= 0.00029 SAR |
TJS = 1218.13184 SYP | SYP= 0.00082 TJS |
TMT = 3706.80082 SYP | SYP= 0.00027 TMT |
TND = 4290.15196 SYP | SYP= 0.00023 TND |
UZS = 1.02031 SYP | SYP= 0.98009 UZS |
XAF = 21.8336 SYP | SYP= 0.0458 XAF |
XOF = 21.8336 SYP | SYP= 0.0458 XOF |
BYN = 3964.33607 SYP | SYP= 0.00025 BYN |
AFN = 189.301 SYP | SYP= 0.00528 AFN |
ALL = 145.19732 SYP | SYP= 0.00689 ALL |
ANG = 7202.67559 SYP | SYP= 0.00014 ANG |
AOA = 13.50836 SYP | SYP= 0.07403 AOA |
ARS = 13.38338 SYP | SYP= 0.07472 ARS |
AWG = 7171.90635 SYP | SYP= 0.00014 AWG |
BAM = 7326.08696 SYP | SYP= 0.00014 BAM |
BBD = 6429.09699 SYP | SYP= 0.00016 BBD |
BHD = 34428.42809 SYP | SYP= 3.0E-5 BHD |
BIF = 4.45151 SYP | SYP= 0.22464 BIF |
BND = 10077.92642 SYP | SYP= 0.0001 BND |
BOB = 1873.6477 SYP | SYP= 0.00053 BOB |
BSD = 12973.91304 SYP | SYP= 8.0E-5 BSD |
BWP = 985.28428 SYP | SYP= 0.00101 BWP |
BZD = 6439.79933 SYP | SYP= 0.00016 BZD |
CDF = 4.56522 SYP | SYP= 0.21905 CDF |
COP = 3.0822 SYP | SYP= 0.32444 COP |
CRC = 25.11179 SYP | SYP= 0.03982 CRC |
CUP = 12973.91304 SYP | SYP= 8.0E-5 CUP |
CVE = 129.76589 SYP | SYP= 0.00771 CVE |
DJF = 72.89632 SYP | SYP= 0.01372 DJF |
ERN = 860.86957 SYP | SYP= 0.00116 ERN |
ETB = 108.69565 SYP | SYP= 0.0092 ETB |
FJD = 5925.75251 SYP | SYP= 0.00017 FJD |
GHS = 821.40468 SYP | SYP= 0.00122 GHS |
GIP = 17249.16388 SYP | SYP= 6.0E-5 GIP |
GMD = 183.61204 SYP | SYP= 0.00545 GMD |
GNF = 1.50502 SYP | SYP= 0.66444 GNF |
GTQ = 1679.26421 SYP | SYP= 0.0006 GTQ |
GYD = 62.07358 SYP | SYP= 0.01611 GYD |
HNL = 522.07358 SYP | SYP= 0.00192 HNL |
HTG = 98.34987 SYP | SYP= 0.01017 HTG |
IRR = 0.30769 SYP | SYP= 3.25 IRR |
JMD = 82.27425 SYP | SYP= 0.01215 JMD |
JOD = 18323.07692 SYP | SYP= 5.0E-5 JOD |
KES = 100.62542 SYP | SYP= 0.00994 KES |
KHR = 3.18395 SYP | SYP= 0.31408 KHR |
KMF = 29.17057 SYP | SYP= 0.03428 KMF |
KWD = 42481.9398 SYP | SYP= 2.0E-5 KWD |
LAK = 0.58863 SYP | SYP= 1.69886 LAK |
LBP = 0.14381 SYP | SYP= 6.95349 LBP |
LKR = 43.9097 SYP | SYP= 0.02277 LKR |
LRD = 67.22408 SYP | SYP= 0.01488 LRD |
LSL = 746.15385 SYP | SYP= 0.00134 LSL |
MGA = 2.84281 SYP | SYP= 0.35176 MGA |
MKD = 233.16388 SYP | SYP= 0.00429 MKD |
MMK = 6.1806 SYP | SYP= 0.1618 MMK |
MNT = 3.83612 SYP | SYP= 0.26068 MNT |
MOP = 1622.07358 SYP | SYP= 0.00062 MOP |
MRU = 326.75585 SYP | SYP= 0.00306 MRU |
MUR = 280.60201 SYP | SYP= 0.00356 MUR |
MVR = 839.46488 SYP | SYP= 0.00119 MVR |
MWK = 7.48495 SYP | SYP= 0.1336 MWK |
MZN = 203.01003 SYP | SYP= 0.00493 MZN |
NAD = 746.15385 SYP | SYP= 0.00134 NAD |
NGN = 7.78357 SYP | SYP= 0.12848 NGN |
NIO = 352.84281 SYP | SYP= 0.00283 NIO |
NPR = 96.78595 SYP | SYP= 0.01033 NPR |
OMR = 33716.05351 SYP | SYP= 3.0E-5 OMR |
PAB = 12973.91304 SYP | SYP= 8.0E-5 PAB |
PEN = 3486.36235 SYP | SYP= 0.00029 PEN |
PGK = 3261.87291 SYP | SYP= 0.00031 PGK |
PYG = 1.66544 SYP | SYP= 0.60044 PYG |
QAR = 3561.20401 SYP | SYP= 0.00028 QAR |
RWF = 9.49164 SYP | SYP= 0.10536 RWF |
SBD = 1585.61873 SYP | SYP= 0.00063 SBD |
SCR = 985.95318 SYP | SYP= 0.00101 SCR |
SDG = 21.61873 SYP | SYP= 0.04626 SDG |
SOS = 22.71237 SYP | SYP= 0.04403 SOS |
SRD = 419.73244 SYP | SYP= 0.00238 SRD |
SSP = 4.21739 SYP | SYP= 0.23711 SSP |
STN = 580.26756 SYP | SYP= 0.00172 STN |
SVC = 1482.6087 SYP | SYP= 0.00067 SVC |
SZL = 746.15385 SYP | SYP= 0.00134 SZL |
TOP = 5600.33445 SYP | SYP= 0.00018 TOP |
TTD = 1913.71237 SYP | SYP= 0.00052 TTD |
TZS = 4.76254 SYP | SYP= 0.20997 TZS |
UGX = 3.53177 SYP | SYP= 0.28314 UGX |
UYU = 311.64618 SYP | SYP= 0.00321 UYU |
VES = 352.13891 SYP | SYP= 0.00284 VES |
VUV = 108.62542 SYP | SYP= 0.00921 VUV |
WST = 4796.32107 SYP | SYP= 0.00021 WST |
XCD = 4788.29431 SYP | SYP= 0.00021 XCD |
XPF = 120.38127 SYP | SYP= 0.00831 XPF |
YER = 51.8796 SYP | SYP= 0.01928 YER |
ZMW = 495.98662 SYP | SYP= 0.00202 ZMW |