
In Chile the following currency is used:

  • The Chilean peso (CLP): this currency is devided in 100 Centavo. You can recognise the currency by the symbol $.

You probably need to change money when traveling to Chile. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

Exchange rates Chilean peso

According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the Chilean peso has the following exchange rates.

The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.

AUD = 633.05948 CLPCLP= 0.00158 AUD
CAD = 697.62585 CLPCLP= 0.00143 CAD
CNY = 133.05418 CLPCLP= 0.00752 CNY
EUR = 1047.04257 CLPCLP= 0.00096 EUR
GBP = 1241.22273 CLPCLP= 0.00081 GBP
HKD = 120.95845 CLPCLP= 0.00827 HKD
IDR = 0.06125 CLPCLP= 16.32642 IDR
INR = 11.23142 CLPCLP= 0.08904 INR
JPY = 6.60429 CLPCLP= 0.15142 JPY
KRW = 0.7079 CLPCLP= 1.41264 KRW
MYR = 217.71303 CLPCLP= 0.00459 MYR
NZD = 585.0708 CLPCLP= 0.00171 NZD
PHP = 16.85508 CLPCLP= 0.05933 PHP
SGD = 725.27937 CLPCLP= 0.00138 SGD
THB = 28.11047 CLPCLP= 0.03557 THB
TWD = 29.51494 CLPCLP= 0.03388 TWD
USD = 942.65841 CLPCLP= 0.00106 USD
VND = 0.03828 CLPCLP= 26.12598 VND
BGN = 535.17312 CLPCLP= 0.00187 BGN
BRL = 169.09716 CLPCLP= 0.00591 BRL
CHF = 1118.74867 CLPCLP= 0.00089 CHF
CZK = 41.81039 CLPCLP= 0.02392 CZK
DKK = 140.27526 CLPCLP= 0.00713 DKK
HUF = 2.65173 CLPCLP= 0.37711 HUF
ILS = 254.2908 CLPCLP= 0.00393 ILS
ISK = 6.82784 CLPCLP= 0.14646 ISK
MXN = 47.2319 CLPCLP= 0.02117 MXN
NOK = 88.45989 CLPCLP= 0.0113 NOK
PLN = 244.55731 CLPCLP= 0.00409 PLN
RON = 210.45586 CLPCLP= 0.00475 RON
SEK = 91.91013 CLPCLP= 0.01088 SEK
TRY = 27.74822 CLPCLP= 0.03604 TRY
UAH = 22.94866 CLPCLP= 0.04358 UAH
ZAR = 53.04679 CLPCLP= 0.01885 ZAR
EGP = 19.46905 CLPCLP= 0.05136 EGP
JOD = 1330.63971 CLPCLP= 0.00075 JOD
LBP = 0.01018 CLPCLP= 98.23283 LBP
BDT = 7.88424 CLPCLP= 0.12684 BDT
BYN = 288.04511 CLPCLP= 0.00347 BYN
PKR = 3.38428 CLPCLP= 0.29548 PKR
XAF = 1.59551 CLPCLP= 0.62676 XAF
XOF = 1.59551 CLPCLP= 0.62676 XOF
NGN = 0.57862 CLPCLP= 1.72825 NGN
SAR = 251.0974 CLPCLP= 0.00398 SAR
PEN = 248.31265 CLPCLP= 0.00403 PEN
RUB = 10.4391 CLPCLP= 0.09579 RUB
DOP = 15.76401 CLPCLP= 0.06344 DOP
VES = 25.74285 CLPCLP= 0.03885 VES
AED = 256.66692 CLPCLP= 0.0039 AED
ARS = 0.98526 CLPCLP= 1.01496 ARS
BOB = 137.41376 CLPCLP= 0.00728 BOB
COP = 0.22536 CLPCLP= 4.43737 COP
CRC = 1.80433 CLPCLP= 0.55422 CRC
DZD = 7.12765 CLPCLP= 0.1403 DZD
HTG = 7.17437 CLPCLP= 0.13939 HTG
PAB = 942.65841 CLPCLP= 0.00106 PAB
PYG = 0.1223 CLPCLP= 8.17673 PYG
TND = 309.72787 CLPCLP= 0.00323 TND
UYU = 23.35897 CLPCLP= 0.04281 UYU