
In Paraguay the following currency is used:

  • The Paraguayan guaraní (PYG): this currency is devided in 100 Céntimo. You can recognise the currency by the symbol ₲.

You probably need to change money when traveling to Paraguay. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

Exchange rates Paraguayan guaraní

According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the Paraguayan guaraní has the following exchange rates.

The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.

AUD = 5176.35773 PYGPYG= 0.00019 AUD
CAD = 5704.29961 PYGPYG= 0.00018 CAD
CNY = 1087.94836 PYGPYG= 0.00092 CNY
EUR = 8561.38653 PYGPYG= 0.00012 EUR
GBP = 10149.14567 PYGPYG= 0.0001 GBP
HKD = 989.04483 PYGPYG= 0.00101 HKD
IDR = 0.50083 PYGPYG= 1.99669 IDR
INR = 91.83627 PYGPYG= 0.01089 INR
JPY = 54.00149 PYGPYG= 0.01852 JPY
KRW = 5.78828 PYGPYG= 0.17276 KRW
MYR = 1780.18109 PYGPYG= 0.00056 MYR
NZD = 4783.96716 PYGPYG= 0.00021 NZD
PHP = 137.81948 PYGPYG= 0.00726 PHP
SGD = 5930.41501 PYGPYG= 0.00017 SGD
THB = 229.85176 PYGPYG= 0.00435 THB
TWD = 241.33578 PYGPYG= 0.00414 TWD
USD = 7707.86517 PYGPYG= 0.00013 USD
VND = 0.31297 PYGPYG= 3.19516 VND
BGN = 4375.96719 PYGPYG= 0.00023 BGN
BRL = 1382.66212 PYGPYG= 0.00072 BRL
CHF = 9147.70811 PYGPYG= 0.00011 CHF
CLP = 8.17673 PYGPYG= 0.1223 CLP
CZK = 341.87238 PYGPYG= 0.00293 CZK
DKK = 1146.99323 PYGPYG= 0.00087 DKK
HUF = 21.68247 PYGPYG= 0.04612 HUF
ILS = 2079.26774 PYGPYG= 0.00048 ILS
ISK = 55.8294 PYGPYG= 0.01791 ISK
MXN = 386.2026 PYGPYG= 0.00259 MXN
NOK = 723.31281 PYGPYG= 0.00138 NOK
PLN = 1999.67959 PYGPYG= 0.0005 PLN
RON = 1720.84118 PYGPYG= 0.00058 RON
SEK = 751.52448 PYGPYG= 0.00133 SEK
TRY = 226.88976 PYGPYG= 0.00441 TRY
UAH = 187.64503 PYGPYG= 0.00533 UAH
ZAR = 433.7494 PYGPYG= 0.00231 ZAR
EGP = 159.19322 PYGPYG= 0.00628 EGP
JOD = 10880.2843 PYGPYG= 9.0E-5 JOD
LBP = 0.08324 PYGPYG= 12.0137 LBP
BDT = 64.46728 PYGPYG= 0.01551 BDT
BYN = 2355.26764 PYGPYG= 0.00042 BYN
PKR = 27.67235 PYGPYG= 0.03614 PKR
XAF = 13.04603 PYGPYG= 0.07665 XAF
XOF = 13.04603 PYGPYG= 0.07665 XOF
NGN = 4.73123 PYGPYG= 0.21136 NGN
SAR = 2053.15614 PYGPYG= 0.00049 SAR
PEN = 2030.38598 PYGPYG= 0.00049 PEN
RUB = 85.3577 PYGPYG= 0.01172 RUB
DOP = 128.89812 PYGPYG= 0.00776 DOP
VES = 210.49239 PYGPYG= 0.00475 VES
AED = 2098.69663 PYGPYG= 0.00048 AED
ARS = 8.05618 PYGPYG= 0.12413 ARS
BOB = 1123.59551 PYGPYG= 0.00089 BOB
COP = 1.8427 PYGPYG= 0.54268 COP
CRC = 14.75352 PYGPYG= 0.06778 CRC
DZD = 58.2809 PYGPYG= 0.01716 DZD
HTG = 58.66292 PYGPYG= 0.01705 HTG
PAB = 7707.86517 PYGPYG= 0.00013 PAB
TND = 2532.5618 PYGPYG= 0.00039 TND
UYU = 191 PYGPYG= 0.00524 UYU