In Bulgaria the following currency is used:
- The Bulgarian lev (BGN): this currency is devided in 100 Stotinka. You can recognise the currency by the symbol лв.
You probably need to change money when traveling to Bulgaria. You might want to consider not to bring to much money. A credit card usualy is the easiest way to pay abroad. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. We strongly advise you to check the possibilities and international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.
Exchange rates Bulgarian lev
According to our most recent information (06 September 2024, 23:59) the Bulgarian lev has the following exchange rates.
The exchange rate from your own bank or credit card company will differ somewhat from the exchange rates as mentioned above. Your bank or credit card company might also apply aditional international charges.
AUD = 1.18291 BGN | BGN= 0.84538 AUD |
CAD = 1.30355 BGN | BGN= 0.76713 CAD |
CNY = 0.24862 BGN | BGN= 4.02222 CNY |
EUR = 1.95646 BGN | BGN= 0.51113 EUR |
GBP = 2.31929 BGN | BGN= 0.43117 GBP |
HKD = 0.22602 BGN | BGN= 4.42444 HKD |
IDR = 0.00011 BGN | BGN= 8737.4599 IDR |
INR = 0.02099 BGN | BGN= 47.64966 INR |
JPY = 0.01234 BGN | BGN= 81.03419 JPY |
KRW = 0.00132 BGN | BGN= 756.00535 KRW |
MYR = 0.40681 BGN | BGN= 2.45816 MYR |
NZD = 1.09324 BGN | BGN= 0.91472 NZD |
PHP = 0.03149 BGN | BGN= 31.75144 PHP |
SGD = 1.35522 BGN | BGN= 0.73789 SGD |
THB = 0.05253 BGN | BGN= 19.03822 THB |
TWD = 0.05515 BGN | BGN= 18.13228 TWD |
USD = 1.76141 BGN | BGN= 0.56773 USD |
VND = 7.0E-5 BGN | BGN= 13981.92055 VND |
BRL = 0.31597 BGN | BGN= 3.16489 BRL |
CHF = 2.09044 BGN | BGN= 0.47837 CHF |
CLP = 0.00187 BGN | BGN= 535.17312 CLP |
CZK = 0.07812 BGN | BGN= 12.8 CZK |
DKK = 0.26211 BGN | BGN= 3.81516 DKK |
HUF = 0.00495 BGN | BGN= 201.82047 HUF |
ILS = 0.47516 BGN | BGN= 2.10457 ILS |
ISK = 0.01276 BGN | BGN= 78.38105 ISK |
MXN = 0.08826 BGN | BGN= 11.33076 MXN |
NOK = 0.16529 BGN | BGN= 6.0499 NOK |
PLN = 0.45697 BGN | BGN= 2.18833 PLN |
RON = 0.39325 BGN | BGN= 2.54292 RON |
SEK = 0.17174 BGN | BGN= 5.82279 SEK |
TRY = 0.05185 BGN | BGN= 19.28675 TRY |
UAH = 0.04288 BGN | BGN= 23.32045 UAH |
ZAR = 0.09912 BGN | BGN= 10.0887 ZAR |
EGP = 0.03638 BGN | BGN= 27.4884 EGP |
JOD = 2.48637 BGN | BGN= 0.40219 JOD |
LBP = 2.0E-5 BGN | BGN= 52571.56851 LBP |
BDT = 0.01473 BGN | BGN= 67.87888 BDT |
BYN = 0.53823 BGN | BGN= 1.85795 BYN |
PKR = 0.00632 BGN | BGN= 158.13503 PKR |
XAF = 0.00298 BGN | BGN= 335.42513 XAF |
XOF = 0.00298 BGN | BGN= 335.42513 XOF |
NGN = 0.00108 BGN | BGN= 924.91045 NGN |
SAR = 0.46919 BGN | BGN= 2.13134 SAR |
PEN = 0.46399 BGN | BGN= 2.15524 PEN |
RUB = 0.01951 BGN | BGN= 51.26623 RUB |
DOP = 0.02946 BGN | BGN= 33.94904 DOP |
VES = 0.0481 BGN | BGN= 20.78919 VES |
AED = 0.4796 BGN | BGN= 2.08509 AED |
ARS = 0.00184 BGN | BGN= 543.18142 ARS |
BOB = 0.25677 BGN | BGN= 3.89461 BOB |
COP = 0.00042 BGN | BGN= 2374.76268 COP |
CRC = 0.00337 BGN | BGN= 296.6049 CRC |
DZD = 0.01332 BGN | BGN= 75.08407 DZD |
HTG = 0.01341 BGN | BGN= 74.59511 HTG |
PAB = 1.76141 BGN | BGN= 0.56773 PAB |
PYG = 0.00023 BGN | BGN= 4375.96719 PYG |
TND = 0.57874 BGN | BGN= 1.72788 TND |
UYU = 0.04365 BGN | BGN= 22.91082 UYU |